
The project is comprised by 6 pipelines, and in this document I’ll explain how each of them work.

The main library used throughout the project is pandas to make and transform the Dataframes.

Data Retrieval#

Data was retrieved from 12 newspaper accounts from the main newspapers of Perú. The selected newspapers are the following:

  • El Comercio

  • La República

  • Trome

  • Ojo

  • Correo

  • Expreso

  • La Razón

  • Gestión

  • Perú 21

  • El Búho

  • En sus Trece

  • El Peruano

This pipeline has two steps, the first steps retrieves the ID for each of the Twitter accounts, and the second retrieves the tweets of the week for each newspaper.

The main library used during this step is requests.

Inputs: [STRIKEOUT:None]

Outputs: newspapers_id, raw_data

Cleaning and Preproccesing#

The first major pipeline, that takes the raw JSON data received from the API, and converts it to a Pandas Dataframe. The cleaning process follows 4 major transformations.

  • Removes Tweets that do not contribute to the narrative overall: Tweets like, the picture with the daily headlines, daily caricatures, horoscope, etc.

  • Converts numbers to words: NLP procesing focuses mainly on words, and numbers help us make sense of the scale of things happening (I actually learned this because at first I took out al numbers, and some of the tweets no longer made sense)

  • Cleaning symbols, puncturation and emojis

  • Remove calls to action and common words: Words such as “Watch the video now”, or “Read more” do not contribute to the narrative and as such they were removed

Inputs: raw_data

Outputs: clean_data

Feature Engireering#

The hear of the process, feature engineering is a process from which we can shape the data in order to obtain the different data inputs we need for the rest of the pipelines such as EDA, Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling.

The process is divided into 2 stages:

Make Corpus#

Takes the clean data and returns a Dataframe with the original text, and the corpus form or the tweet.

Inputs: clean_data

Outputs: corpus

Make DTM#

To make the DTM, the corpus needs to be tokenized and then counted in order to form the matrix. So during the first first part, we take the corpus and make an NLP object, and during the second part we count the occurrences of each word and build the matrix.

For the NLP objects, the NLP library used is spacy as it has a spanish model and allows for a single step tokenization, lemmatization and removal of stop-words.

Inputs: corpus

Outputs: data_dtm, dtm, dtm_newspaper


After the inital EDA process, some of the process were needed for further analysis or to buils Analysis tools, as such, this pipeline exist to provide those structures. The pipeline contains two nodes.

Unique words#

The calculation of the number of unique words per newspaper per week

Inputs: dtm_newspaper

Outputs: unique_words

Top 30 words#

Calculates the Top 30 words used by each newspaper each week. This stage is particualrly useful as a QA control tool.

Inputs: dtm_newspaper

Outputs: top30_df

Sentiment Analysis#

A Machine Learning pipeline with two outputs:

  • The probability that a certain tweets has a POSITIVE, NEUTRAL or NEGATIVE sentiment.

  • The probability that a tweets expreses certain emotion

The library used for this is PySentimiento

Inputs: corpus, emotion_analyzer, sentiment_analyzer

Outputs: corpus_sentiment-emotion

Topic Modeling#

A Machine Learning pipeline that aims to determine the topics used by each newspaper throughout the weeks and thus showcase the change in the narrative, in a straight forward manner.

The libraries used in this pipeline are: Gensim, scipy

Inputs: data_dtm, dtm

Outputs: corpus_topic